We are Grateful for 40 Years in Business – and for the Years to Come

Kristy Bonner, Vice President of Digital Services

It is the time of year to be grateful … for family and friends, health, prosperity, the good things that have come our way throughout the year and for the opportunities in the year ahead.

We Have Much to be Grateful for …

Foster 40thFoster Marketing is approaching another milestone, 40 years in business. In 1980, we got our start with a staff of three as The Foster Agency in a small, 100-square-foot office in downtown Lafayette, La. Today, Foster Marketing delivers creative marketing communication solutions that work for the oil and gas, energy, industrial and business-to-business sectors worldwide. We are so grateful for all the clients and those in the industries we serve who have helped us along the way!

Have You Seen Our New Website?

Foster Marketing has recently unveiled its new website featuring information, ideas and guidance from your favorite Foster Marketing experts. Check out our MEET OUR TEAM pages to learn more about the expertise we have on our staff and read articles from them and about them. We are extremely grateful to have a strong and diverse team of experts to help our clients reach their goals!

Check out our award-winning work while you are visiting our CREATIVE SHOWCASE! Read a few CASE STUDIES to get your creative juices flowing.

And, of course, check out past FOSTERING IDEAS articles for some inspiration. Only interested in a specific area? You can now view articles and case studies By Tactic or By Our Team Member. Only looking for Public Relations information? Just click #Public Relations.

We are Grateful for Strong Mentors

Having on-staff leadership well-versed in industry trends and needs, as well as marketing strategy has been a great strength for Foster Marketing over the decades — to our team and to our clients. 

We are especially proud of the recent recognition of our CEO and founder, George Foster. George received the University of North Texas 2019 Distinguished Alumni Award this month. A long-standing university tradition, the Distinguished Alumni Achievement Awards recognize outstanding achievement, service and support of UNT.

First presented in 1965, the Distinguished Alumni Award is UNT’s oldest and most prestigious award bestowed upon alumni. It recognizes UNT alumni who have made significant contributions to our society, supported the university and served their fellow man.

We are blessed with the best and are very grateful to have benefitted from George’s guidance and encouragement!

Check out the video of George accepting this award and send him your congrats!

Ready for the Year Ahead?

We are grateful for the opportunity to help our clients reach new audiences, expand their brands and advance business goals in the coming year.

So, here are some lagniappe tips for 2020 … to help you get as energized about the year ahead as we are.

“A project without a deadline is a wish.” – CEO George Foster

Be a Visitor at Your Own Company

You might have heard of the concept of acting like a tourist in your own country. Well, try becoming a visitor in your own company and see what you learn.

Drive up, walk in and see if you are the company you think you are. Is your signage consistent? If you say you are friendly and safety minded, are you?

Have a look at your presentations, brochures and even business cards. Are they showing the correct branding and information? How many times have you been handed something that was confusing because the email address was different or the color scheme wasn’t consistent?

What about uniforms? Do you see branded shirts with an outdated logo or a previous company slogan? Once you stop and look, you may be surprised at what you see that needs to be added to next year’s to-do list.

How User-Friendly are You?

We all think we are user-friendly, easy to reach (24/7) and have great customer service … but do we? Take a look at how responsive your team is … When we get a reply from your website that someone will reach out shortly, do they? Are spec sheets and online information accessible and easy to find? Is it clear how to apply for a job with your company or ask a question? If not, add that to your to-do list.

Retention and Hiring Go Hand-in-Hand

Many of our clients are focused on hiring right now, which is a good sign; however, keeping your experienced team members is equally, if not more, important. What are you doing to show your current team that they contribute to the company success and that you value them?

According to PeopleKeep, every time a business replaces a salaried employee, it costs 6 to 9 months’ salary on average. For a manager making $40,000 a year, that’s $20,000 to $30,000 in recruiting and training expenses. Yikes!

As you budget for hiring, put some of that spend, time and energy into retention programs, too. Plan a campaign to spotlight good work within your company and tell the world on social; ask your team to get involved and share their ideas; or let them come up with a great morale booster and back it full force!

Pick Someone’s Brain

Looking at your company from the outside can offer a unique perspective that you are normally just too close to see. Take a new hire out for coffee and ask them what they see as your company’s strengths, weaknesses, etc.

Call a friend in the industry and ask their impressions of your company, team or products … You might be surprised what you discover.

You could find hidden value that you should be promoting or hear the dreaded “I didn’t know you do that.” In both cases, you will have a few more items to add to your to-do list that could have a far-reaching impact.

We wish you great success in the coming year, and are truly grateful to all who have allowed us to play a part in their success. The entire Foster Marketing team is here to help. Contact us today to expand your team and expertise with one call!


92% of people will trust a recommendation from a peer, and 70% of people will trust a recommendation from someone they don’t even know, according to Nielsen research.


“Social proof is a psychological phenomenon where people conform to the actions of others under the assumption that those actions are reflective of the correct behavior,” according to OptinMonster, co-founded by Syed Balkhi.

Plus, this is great fodder to use in presentations, social media and on your website!


To set up a meeting with our team of experts, please complete the form below or call us at <span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">281-448-3435 or </span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">337-235-1848.</span>
