Do You Need a New Website or a Refresh?

Whether You Toss It or Tweak It: Marie Kondo It ... and Keep What Sparks Joy

By Kristy Bonner
Vice President of Digital Services

You know it is time to update your website, but when you run into buzzwords such as algorithm, adaptive design, artificial intelligence, blockchain technology, usability and now Web 3.0 it makes your head spin. Yikes! Should I redesign or refresh it? That question has many marketers scratching their heads and wondering what to do when they re-evaluate their websites.

We find people usually fall into two camps: toss it out and start over or save money and just tweak it. Here is a decision tree to help you evaluate your website. In general, we recommend pondering the following before you dive head-first into the toss-it or tweak-it camp.

Keep What Sparks Joy

Marie Kondo, the maven of tidying up, says “discard items that no longer spark joy.”

If this concept works for your home, the hub of your personal life, let’s apply this same idea to your website, the hub of your marketing efforts. Let’s walk through a modified version of Kondo’s method to tidy up your website.

  1. Commit. Whether you decide to toss it or tweak it, you must commit to making this happen. Start with a good site plan and timeline.
  2. Imagine your ideal site. This is where we dream up what we want our site to do for us such as capturing leads and helping pull attention from our competitors. What’s a win look like for you on your website? Sometimes, you don’t know what you could have unless you ask. Talk to your developer about your wish list and must-have features for your website.
  3. Time to decide what goes. If you hate it or it didn’t accomplish what it was supposed to or it was built by someone years ago but no one knows why it was there, it goes! Thank you very much!
  4. What sparks joy? Now, let’s skip to the last step, and ask yourself what sparks joy on your website. Meaning, what do customers talk about in a positive way? What pages are winning in organic search? What are the most popular landing pages? What pages consistently get the most hits? A yes to any of these questions should make you smile, so keep it!

Struggling with the decision to start from scratch or refresh your website? We can walk you through your options and get going on the right web plan for your new-and-improved site. Call us today at 337-235-1848 or contact us online. Be sure to connect with us on LinkedIn to stay up to date with other insights from the Foster team.


To set up a meeting with our team of experts, please complete the form below or call us at <span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">281-448-3435 or </span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">337-235-1848.</span>
