Kick Start Your Creativity and Ignite Innovation

By Kristy Bonner, VP Digital Services

Those of us in oil and gas marketing communications often refer to creative when talking about graphic design, copywriting or overall strategic thinking; however, everyone in business could benefit from a healthy dose of creativity. defines creativity as “the ability to transcend traditional ideas, rules, patterns, relationships, or the like, and to create meaningful new ideas, forms, methods, interpretations.” Of course, the real power of creativity in business is innovation, defined as “something new or different introduced.”

So, how do we move from our day-to-day to-do lists to a place where creative innovation can mean results for our business?


Stimulating Innovation

This is a much-researched and discussed topic with many trying to harness the power to spark creativity and innovation – from universities studying the brains of test subjects in EEG labs across the globe to workplaces trying to emulate Google by creating breakout zones and gaming areas. A Time Special Edition titled “The Science of Creativity” is well worth the read for those trying to tap into a place of innovation.

New product development, creating better customer experiences, motivating your team to not just think outside the box but to throw it out completely all have the power to set a company apart from market competitors, as well as keep your best team members engaged and devoted to your company instead of looking for greener pastures. … All of which have the potential for a direct bottom-line impact for your business! Yes, creativity and ROI go hand-in-hand!

Sparking Creativity

Is it necessary to create creative spaces like Google and Facebook to get your team motivated? Good for you if you do; however, here are a few ideas that don’t require that kind of time and expense to kick start creativity in your business.

  1. Encourage time to ponder: I once heard our CEO George Foster say that when he spends time thinking instead of just checking email, he is actually doing more to build the business because this is how ideation happens. By allowing yourself and your team time to ponder solutions and potential outcomes, you are encouraging inspiration and innovation. Stepping away from the problem at hand and just doing something else for a bit can also strike up a creative solution.
  2. Don’t discount dreams: Science says it is important to be well-rested for your overall health but many of us have had an ah-ha moment and found the answer to a problem we’d been working on for days seemingly out of a dream. Your brain is a complex organ that is always working through issues so go with it. Keep a notepad by your bed for when inspiration strikes!
  3. Encourage what works: Our President Tiffany Harris once walked by my office shortly after I joined the Foster team and caught me on the floor with sketches, post-its and copious notes surrounding me. Maybe an odd workplace site; however, her only response was: “What are you working on? A plan for a client. Great!” We all find our creative sweet spot differently. As an employer or manager, it is important to go with the crazy at times to get out of the way of innovation and ensure your team feels they have the space they need to create and innovate.
  4. Find your best time: Foster Marketing truly is 24/7 … because we have team members who are early-morning movers and shakers and some of us who burn the midnight oil of inspiration. And, we make it work for us and our clients. As a child, I saw this at work first hand. Growing up with a father who was an engineer who worked in R&D, I’d often wake to see legal pads full of notes, formulas and schematics on the breakfast table from his late-night brainstorming. His efforts netted results in automation and well-monitoring technologies. Find your inspired time and see what gains you can see in your job, for your clients and for your company.
  5. Collaborate: Two heads are better than one – and even more is better! At Foster, we hold Ignite Innovation sessions to brainstorm ideas for clients and invite our entire team to participate. Collaboration offers multiple perspectives – essential for tackling most business problems – and can offer fresh insights by including those not bogged down by the day-to-day details. Plus, as we say, when you work with Foster, you don’t get just one of us; you get our entire team of experts!
  6. Get inspired: I have long kept a “swipe file” full of articles, notes on something I’ve seen, clippings from magazines and books and post-it notes with something someone said that caught my attention. The act of noting and filing these items is often all that is needed to get inspiration flowing but looking back through an idea file is also a good way to kick start creativity if you feel stuck.


What gets you inspired? Share your thoughts with us. We love to hear stories of innovative oil and gas technologies that started on a napkin.

For creative marketing strategies and tactics, the Foster Marketing team is here to help. Looking beyond your internal team also can be a beneficial method of kick starting creativity at your company. Call us today to set up a meeting with our experts!


To set up a meeting with our team of experts, please complete the form below or call us at <span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">281-448-3435 or </span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">337-235-1848.</span>
