Get it Right the First Time

Having trouble deciding whether to hire an outside firm to handle your marketing needs? Think of it this way:

     You’re driving down a busy highway and are right around the corner from your destination, when all of a sudden, you hit a bump in the road. Well, this little bump turns into a big bump in your figurative journey and your car comes to a dead stop in the middle of the road. You’re stranded. You have two choices: Try to fix it yourself or call a professional.

      If you try the fix-it-yourself route, sure, you may get it up and running long enough to make it to your destination, but how long do you really think those quick-fix reinforcements are going to last? The fact of the matter is you’re likely going to experience more trouble down the road — quite possibly not far from where you initially broke down.

So, why not just call a professional in the first place? Let someone fix it the right way, the first time.

As an intern at Foster Marketing, I have gotten an inside look at business-to-business marketing communications and have formed my own opinions on why hiring an outside marketing firm can be beneficial for most, if not all, businesses. The experiences I have had as an intern have given me first-hand insights into some of the many ways a professional firm can help businesses manage marketing communications efforts the right way, the first time. Consider the following benefits of hiring a marketing communications firm:

Size Doesn’t Matter 

One common notion is that only large companies can benefit from hiring an outside marketing firm; however, nothing could be further from the truth. Any business, large or small, could benefit from gaining a new perspective. This objectivity will give you a feel for how potential clients view your business without the risk of trial-and-error marketing strategies.

Even if you have an established in-house marketing team, an outside firm can provide additional support should your in-house team need assistance.

Teamwork is Dream-work 

A good marketing firm strives for solidarity. Each member of the team brings different specialties, experiences and perspectives to the table. Rather than hiring an additional staffer, using an outside firm brings in a full team of professionals who are ready to help you build your business.

They’ve Got Skills

By bringing in an outside marketing team, you’re enlisting the services of experienced professionals with high-caliber skill sets.

The ideas produced by a marketing firm enhance in-house resources and capabilities. Marketing firms typically have direct access to professionals who are skilled in the latest technologies and efficiently produce professional-grade work. This is great news for small businesses that may not be able to afford the software, licensing and training needed to fulfill certain efforts.

Finding a firm with expertise in your field offers even more benefits. Foster Marketing is an expert in oil and gas and energy industry marketing communications, making it especially attractive for businesses in that sector.

More Bang for Your Buck

Many times, firms assign marketing tasks to non-marketing staff members which forces these team members to postpone their daily tasks to familiarize themselves with the many facets of marketing communications. Marketing firms are already familiar with everything involved in building a successful brand, creating awareness and generating quality sales leads.

Another key advantage I have witnessed at Foster Marketing is the numerous domestic and international relationships with the media and vendors that have been built over the years. Long-term relationships — from booth builders to printers — ensure client needs are met on time and on budget. Hiring an outside marketing firm gives you access to both that firm’s resources and their professional network — it’s like a two-for-one special!

I have had the opportunity to sit in on several meetings while interning at Foster Marketing and have heard the phrase, “marketing communications is an investment.” So, instead of pondering whether you should hire an outside marketing communications firm, consider if your in-house services will suffice to get you far enough down the road or if you are ready to fix it the right way, the first time.

Taking a hard look at your goals, upcoming needs, the level of competition in the market and available in-house resources is a good place to begin. If you decide to hire a marketing communications company, I’ve seen the team at Foster Marketing in action and can assure you they are focused on meeting their clients’ needs, delivering quality marketing materials and offering ideas that help companies achieve their goals. I’ve found that every meeting I attend with a Foster Marketing team member is a new lesson in strategic marketing communications!


To set up a meeting with our team of experts, please complete the form below or call us at <span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">281-448-3435 or </span><span style="font-size: 0.875rem;">337-235-1848.</span>
