Foster Marketing Focuses on Social Media at Retreat

LAFAYETTE, La. Foster Marketing Communications recently held its 13th annual Foster Fest retreat and summer meeting during a  trip to New Orleans, La.

Staff from Foster Marketing’s offices in Lafayette and Houston attended the retreat, which included meetings focused on the future of the company and expanding on plans to help the company continue to grow and improve.

Tiffany Harris, a long-time key employee at Foster Marketing, was introduced as the new President of the firm with founder George Foster moving to Chief Executive Officer.

Tony Mikes, the founder and President of SecondWind, an organization of more than 800 advertising agencies, was the retreat’s guest speaker and discussion moderator. Mikes provided an outside perspective on the agency to help the company identify goals and strategies for the future.

“This is Foster Marketing’s 30th anniversary and a pivotal time in the company’s history,” said Foster. “New day-to-day leadership and focusing on the future were the essence of our retreat. I can’t think of anyone better to help us with that than Tony.”

Harris, who had been Executive Vice President, first joined Foster Marketing in 1995 and progressed from an Account Assistant to her current role.

Foster Marketing held its 12th annual Foster Fest marketing retreat and summer meeting during a four-day cruise from New Orleans to Cozumel, Mexico. Staff members and guests from Foster Marketing’s offices in Lafayette and Houston attended the retreat focused on the importance of social media and online marketing for integrated business-to-business communications programs.


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