Creative Ways to Spark Innovation

Being innovative is certainly not easy. It takes a lot of creativity to generate fresh and original ideas. Sometimes you need a hand to get those imaginative gears turning.

Here are a few tips on ways you can get your creative juices flowing:

A Quick Burst of Ideas

Brainstorm ideas with your team in a 5-minute to one-hour exercise. Storyboarding, mind mapping and word banking are all great ways to generate quick ideas. Check out the Fostering Connections tip on brainstorming with a remote team using Miro. Tools like these can present new ways of problem solving as a team, such as using a fishbone diagram.

Exercise Your Skills to Prevent Mental Blocks

Participate in a 30-day creative challenge! By challenging your creative mind and continuously working on your skills, you may be able to prevent future mental blocks. Just like physical exercise, mental exercise is important. There are many creative challenges available online, some are social or made for teams while others you can do alone. One of our team members is currently doing a 100 days of motion design challenge! The key is to create an easy schedule and commit yourself to a few minutes a day.

Shifting Perspectives

Another way to inspire creativity is to alter your perspective. Have you ever tried to draw upside down? Sometimes, looking at things through a different lens can help you see more clearly. There are many difference games and challenges to help you step into a new view. Remember this branding exercise? Challenge your perspective by rewriting the ending to your favorite story or coming up with a fun way to sell a random object on your desk!


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